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2024 Year End Contribution
December 30, 2024 Dear Friend, As we approach the end of the calendar year, please consider making a tax-deductible donation in support of FPJC. Donations made before December 31st are eligible for a 2024 year-end tax deduction, offering you an excellent opportunity to reduce your tax liability while providing much needed financial support for our Shul. You can make a contribution at any level by clicking here or by contacting the Shul office at 718-444-6868. Your contribution --no matter the size-- is truly appreciated and directly contributes to the growth, programs, and shiurim of our synagogue. Do you have a balance on Dues, an unpaid pledge from Yom Kippur or Sukkos, or a generous desire to contribute in honor of a Simcha or to commemorate a loved one? This is the time for you to send your donation to your Jewish Center. You will also have HaShem's blessing for your support of your Jewish Center that serves 365 days a year, Wishing you and your family a very happy Chanukah. Norman Shafar and Edward Weiss, Esq. President Board Chairman