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About Us

Who We Are:

We are a modern Orthodox congregation committed to Torah study and its observance; daily prayer, morning and evening; strong support for the State of Israel; charitable support of worthy institutions and individuals. Our membership is a mix of young and old; of American, European and Israeli birth, all sharing a deep commitment to Jewish life and community. We strive to build and maintain a vibrant, dynamic and cohesive Jewish community in Mill Basin, Brooklyn.

Our active Sisterhood conducts frequent programs that enhance our cohesion.

In referring to ourselves as a modern Orthodox synagogue, we seek to emphasize in all respects, the "modern" and the "Orthodox." Our members see themselves as integral participants in a modern, 21st Century, secular society, with social and civic responsibilities. At the same time, we are deeply committed to our Jewish religious traditions, the study of Torah, the observance of Shabbat, Yom Tov and kashrut, the love of, and support for, our fellow Jews and an unbreakable bond with the State of Israel and its citizens.

We also stand firmly for the proposition that FPJC is a part of a larger community: a community of the Jewish People and the State of Israel, to be sure, but also of our fellow New Yorkers, Americans and, indeed, of humankind. These principles are not merely theoretical elements of a philosophical creed; instead, they represent the impetus for social action, embodied in awide-ranging series of activities serving FPJC members, the State of Israel, unaffiliated Jews and greater society.

We also seek to bring those latter values to our fellow Jews who, for one reason or another, are unaffiliated with religious institutions. We do this by providing an ambitious and extensive outreach program including the David and Dorothy Schachne Synagogue School, Crown Height's Yeshiva, Project Inspire and more.

Our commitment to childhood education is, of course, most obviously (though, by no means exclusively) exemplified by FPJC's close relationship with Crown Heights Yeshiva, located within our buildings, and consisting of nursery through 8th grades. In each of our student's, we strive to instill the positive values of Torah and menschlichkeit.

We also provide a Jewish educational program specifically geared to children of unaffiliated families through our David and Dorothy Schachne Synagogue School, with Sunday and weekly after school programs.

FPJC actively engages in encouraging members’ contributions to various Jewish philanthropic organizations, on local, national and international levels, including Hatzolah of Mill Basin, the UJA Federation, Yeshiva University and a myriad of Israel-based charities. The Congregation’s Torah Fund targets specific needs as they are identified, on a discretionary basis.

Our active Sisterhood conducts frequent programs that enhance our cohesion, including Tehillim groups, Bikur Cholim activities, day trips and more.

Of course, FPJC also provides the basics: daily minyanim, Shabbat and Yom Tov services, a Shabbos children's program designed for ages from toddlers to teens, and ongoing Shiurim for Adults with program content and levels suitable for beginners to advanced.

Come and see for yourselves any of our wonderful programs or services and you will be sure to feel right at home.

Flatbush Park Jewish Center History

Our Shul was founded in 1952, founded by Rabbi David Halpern, a graduate of  Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. Before there was even a neighborhood to call home, at age 23, the newly-minted Rabbi began holding services in storefronts on Mill Avenue, and later on Avenue N.

In the early years, the congregants, many who were World War II veterans from Orthodox Jewish backgrounds, were drawn to the neighborhood as affordable homes, about $10,000 each, with a 2% interest rate began springing up. Fillmore Gardens was the first neighborhood, and then the area flourished with the migration of Jews from East New York and Brownsville to Mill Basin, Bergen Beach and the Kings Plaza area through the 1950s and 1960s.

In 1960, our congregation built its permanent home at its present location on Avenue U, between East 63rd and East 64th Streets. In this location, initially, the Schreiber Sanctuary, the Mestel Midrash, the Berkower Lounge and the Sisterhood ULAM were built.

In 1967, ten classrooms, three Early Childhood rooms, and a small library were added, as well as a Gymnasium/Auditorium and administrative offices.

Lastly, in 1992, with funding from the Crown Heights Yeshiva, a fourth building was added on East 63rd Street side that houses many additional classrooms and educational facilities and offices. This last building is the permanent home now of the Crown Heights Yeshiva.

From that start, the area grew into the large observant Jewish community it is today. There are currently 10 Orthodox synagogues in the greater Mill Basin area.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785