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Shavuot Yizkor 2024

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June 2024

Dear FPJC Family and Friends,

On Thursday June 13th, the last day of Shavuot, our congregation assembled in solemn prayer of Remembering. We prayed to HaShem to preserve the honorable memories of our loved ones.  Our parents, spouses, siblings, or Rachmana Litzlon, our children, Aleihem HaShalom, may not be with us, but they are remembered. Their spiritual presence heals us and strengthens us.

If you were in the Sanctuary at that time, you were be able to join in generous announcements of Tzedakah in behalf of your Jewish Center, supporting your programs for young and old.

Perhaps you were away in far-away places; the Catskills, Florida, or even at home, reciting Yizkor privately, nevertheless your Tzedakah at Yizkor should be for your Shul.  The truth is you take your obligations as a member of Flatbush Park Jewish Center wherever you go.

Please use the attached form or print the form below, fill out, tear off, add your check and bring or mail it to the office to respond generously to the needs of your Jewish Center in the name of, and in memory of, your loved ones.

We thank you in advance,


Rabbi Yisroel Perelson

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785